Out From Under

I realize I have probably lost all but 2 of my blog followers, and that it is my own fault.  You can't neglect a blog for a month (!) and not expect to alienate some folks.  We have had an absolutely jam-packed four weeks, and if you'll bear with me, I'd like to try to make heads or tails of recent events and then move on.  Here are a few of the highlights of the last month which I hope to expand upon in the coming days:

Vacation Bible School at our church, four weeks' worth of company at our house, Daisy's five kittens (which were born the day after my last post), my baby shower, a week spent at The Wilds camp in North Carolina, my 32nd birthday, Noah starting soccer, how the pregnancy is progressing, Noah starting Kindergarten (!), and a partridge in a pear tree.

Minus the partridge, these events were just a few of the things that are on my mind to blog about.  I better get cracking!      


Carrie said…
You can count on me..still hear, still waiting for any news from my friend (actually I have you on my blogger reader so I don't check your blog every day but when you post I get a notification). My sister was telling me she saw you at camp...wish I could have seen you. Very excited about your pregnancy- you look great and happy. Look forward to catching up on your life..when you have time :) we are back to home schooling this year so my time just got much busier - 3 kids this year!

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