
Showing posts from August, 2012

Our Kindergartener

There's something about Kindergarten that makes a mom feel as though she's at a jumping-off point.  Preschool didn't feel this way.  Having my child turn five and go off to Kindergarten does.  Not that he's independent now--far from it--but there's something so Big Kid-ish about packing a lunch and kissing him goodbye for the whole day .  August 20 was Noah's first day at school, so he's completed one full week. Here are the milestones of the week: Noah learned to tie his shoes this week.  The motivation?  I bought him a pair of sneakers with laces and told him he couldn't wear them to school until he learned to tie them.  15 minutes later, he had mastered that skill.  No more velcro shoes for this boy!  He got sick at school on the second day. :(  Almost our whole family came down with some sort of nasty bug promptly upon returning from The Wilds last week.  Josh and Noah had shared a water bottle on Saturday, just a coup...

27 Weeks

As of Tuesday this week, I am 27 weeks pregnant.  Two-thirds of the way there already!  I continue to feel great, praise the Lord, and I continue to crave peaches. :)  Sleeping has become more of a challenge, as is finding space for all my pillows in our bed.  I'm trying to savor every moment and document as much as I can.


My sister-in-law Andrea offered to highlight my hair for my birthday.  For a long time Josh has been wanting me to get highlights done to "keep me young" as he puts it.  I guess I should face it: as it was, my grays were beginning to look like some kind of silver highlight job.  So I said "yes" to Andrea, and then worried for days beforehand about what the "new me" would look like.  I've always been brave, you know.  *rolls eyes* So anyway, here it is: It is a subtle difference, it covers my grays, and I love it!!  For the record, Josh does too.

Out From Under

I realize I have probably lost all but 2 of my blog followers, and that it is my own fault.  You can't neglect a blog for a month (!) and not expect to alienate some folks.  We have had an absolutely jam-packed four weeks, and if you'll bear with me, I'd like to try to make heads or tails of recent events and then move on.  Here are a few of the highlights of the last month which I hope to expand upon in the coming days: Vacation Bible School at our church, four weeks' worth of company at our house, Daisy's five kittens (which were born the day after my last post), my baby shower, a week spent at The Wilds camp in North Carolina, my 32nd birthday, Noah starting soccer, how the pregnancy is progressing, Noah starting Kindergarten (!), and a partridge in a pear tree. Minus the partridge, these events were just a few of the things that are on my mind to blog about.  I better get cracking!