I Think I'm Back

13 weeks.

For a few weeks there, I have to be honest: blogging just wasn't doing it for me anymore.  I would sit down at the computer, stare at it, turn it off, and go lie down.  I would think to myself, "I should take a picture of that." and then not care enough to go get the camera.  I wasn't myself.  Blame the pregnancy, or blame one of the 4 illnesses I have had since I found out I was pregnant (sick much?).  But hopefully I'm past all that now.  I'm 13 weeks, and I have noticed my morning sickness is not as bad, and Lord-willing this week I will also be able to put this 4th illness (nasal congestion combined with a monster sore throat) behind me.

We had company over for dinner last night, which did me a world of good.  It forced me to clean up, for one (!), but it also reminded me that I used to do this!  I used to make a coherent, nutritious dinner for my family and other people and invite them into my home.  It helped me to see that I can do this with the Lord's help, and that I have really missed the company of other people.

So I think I'm back.  And just in time, too!  We plan, Lord-willing to go up north next week to watch my niece Susan get married and then to spend some time with family.  I'm praying that I'll be all back to normal by then.


Ruth said…
Glad you're feeling better! It is such a relief when the m/s goes away. I hope you stay healthy for the next few months. You've had your fair share of viruses!!! I hope you have a great trip. The weather has been REALLY pretty lately (mostly in the 70's although it got in the low 80's a couple of times - but with no humidity that's okay with me).

As for the "dumping" stage, I have recently tried to put an end to that with Ian. Mommy has had ENOUGH! And Nadia is almost 4 years old and still has to be reminded to say please. I do notice that with other people (not her parents) she's pretty good with saying "thank you." I am glad she's on such good behavior with others, but I still want her to have good manners at home too!

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