Ten Weeks

Today I banished my crock pot from the kitchen.  I moved it to the top of the washing machine in the garage, where the wafting aroma stench of onions and beef wouldn't threaten to kill me.  Side note: when you're pregnant, there are very few aromas anymore.  Just lots of stenches.  It makes life interesting.

But on another note, all complaining aside; pregnancy is an amazing thing, and I am so privileged to be able to experience it again, because it reminds me of the miraculous power of God.  "Just as you do not know...how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things."  Eccl 11:5.  I read this passage today and marveled.  I have wondered, just recently in fact, how God makes bones in a little child in my womb.  Miraculous.  He teaches the spider to make a web, perfect every time.  The Bible tells us God takes care of the animals, causes grass to grow on unseen hilltops, and stores up ice and cold in storehouses.

The God who does all of this and MORE is the one who cares for you daily.  Hourly.  By-the-minute.  Sometimes we don't see it, like the verse above mentions, but He's there all the time, constantly working in your life and mine.  So smile!


Ruth said…
Yes, I learned the hard way about the crock pot also. Would you believe some smells STILL bother me (and I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow)? The smell of microwave popcorn still turns my stomach. As for cooking, the things that require the shortest amount of cooking are best. Once I cooked a ham in the oven (while pg) and that about did me in also. it's funny how smells I usually love (ex. ham) can make me feel horrible now!
cj and family said…
So thankful for the little one God is growing in you ... and thankful for you that you're still feeling sick. :) It's a good thing at this point. :)

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