Cliff Notes
I was going to try to post about everything that's been happening since my computer decided not to post my blogs anymore, but then I realized how great a task that would be, so No. I'm just going to give some highlights. This is not by any means my preferred way to blog, but when you've missed so many opportunities like I have, you just have to pick up the pieces and move on. Instead of the book, you're going to get the cliff notes.
I have to start this with a huge THANK YOU to my husband Josh, for working on my blog problem last night. If you haven't already figured it out, I am a next-to-computer-illiterate. Encountering a "javascript void" message made me want to start a new blog on a different site (way to solve a problem, Jo!), but Josh stuck with it and found a solution. Thanks, Honeybear!
Noah's birthday party was a success in the sense that everyone had fun. We did water balloons, a pinata, and had cake and ice cream. What more do you need?
I've been reading a book, which I hope to review on here soon, called One Thousand Gifts. It is so SO good! I've also been greedily hoarding a few other books which I can't wait to read, and saving them for our upcoming trip to the Wilds. A 7-hour car ride each way, plus a week of naptimes with no housework calling me, leave me licking my literary chops in anticipation. ;)
Our washing machine and vacuum cleaner broke on Monday last week. Unfortunately, I forgot about both (!) until Monday rolled around again and my To Do list said "Laundry" and "Vacuuming." Hence the time to blog on a Monday, which is normally unheard of. Hopefully tonight we can fix both problems.
The past 2 Sundays I've been playing the prelude before the morning worship service. I have LOVED it! The pressure isn't high, since no one is sitting there staring at you, and no one is trying to sing with you (the thought of both of those makes my hands sweat). Actually, I found it helped to prepare my own heart for the service. Usually I'm chasing Noah down, making sure he's used the bathroom, disciplining him, or taking him outside to make him run around before he has to be still for 90 minutes (a difficult feat for my active 4-year-old). Instead, the past 2 weeks, I've been able to dwell on the words of the hymns I've played. I guess I should ask how Josh has fared the last 2 weeks, since corralling Noah has fallen to him. *wink*
By way of an update, Noah has been doing much MUCH better going to bed at night. You may remember last November began months upon months of literally painful bedtime routines. Well, praise the Lord, Noah is finally going to bed sweetly almost every night. We have issues about one night in seven, as compared with seven nights out of seven, like it was all those months ago. I cannot tell you what this does for my blood pressure and sanity to have bedtime running smoothly again. More importantly, I'm thankful to God for answering this cry of my heart.
My diet is still going, though I have to admit it's limping along and threatening to quit. This has been a summer FULL of birthdays, get-togethers, church dinners, sicknesses, etc, all which make it next-to-impossible to keep up the fight. And it has been a fight. Salad after salad, it has been a fight to keep going. I would think I was seeing positive changes, and then the next week witness a complete downward spiral of everything I thought had been achieved healthwise, and run for the nearest chocolate bar. Currently I would say I'm on an upward trend, and I hope it continues.
That's about all my time will allow for now. It is so nice to be back blogging again! I've missed you!