Enjoying My Son
As time goes by and we remain unable to conceive, I keep reminding myself to drink in every moment I have with my little boy. He won't be little much longer; the baby years are already behind us! *sniff* I was noticing at the beach today that Noah's little baby pot belly is gone. This would be easier to take if I knew I'd have a new little one to blow raspberries on.
Where did this little guy go?
Or this one? Chubby face all covered in ice cream, wearing his little "Noah and the Ark" romper? I saw that romper on Titus a couple weeks ago.... *sniff*
So Noah is almost four years old, and every day I have to keep reminding myself to soak it up, to remember, to blog. Many of my memories have been helped by this blog, and I'm so thankful I began writing this stuff down so I won't forget it.
So, for memories' sake, here's what I want to remember about Noah at this age:
So, for memories' sake, here's what I want to remember about Noah at this age:
1. He never. stops. talking. I know (I know!) this is something I'll miss in years to come, like when he's 15 and doesn't want to talk to me about anything. (Hopefully this won't happen, but if he's like most 15-year-olds...) The nonstop chatter about everything. Soak it up, Jo!
2. He must show me some new cool trick he can do. "Mommy! Watch THIS!" I must hear that about a hundred times a day.
3. His boundless energy.
4. His love of life. This kid is so cheerful and optimistic. He loves to laugh, and his laugh is incredibly infectious; I can't help but laugh along with him.
5. Our little game we play: "I love YOU!" Here's how it goes: I say, "Guess what, Noah? I love you." Then Noah says, "No, I love you!" I say "No, I love you!" and we start saying it at the same time, faster and faster until we're both saying "you, you YOU!!!" Yes, I realize you probably have to be there, but this blog is for me, right? At least I know what I'm talking about. :)
6. How everything becomes a sword, a gun, or weapon for getting "the bad guys."
7. His little hands are always grubby, and his feet are perpetually dirty. There is always a scab (usually multiple ones) somewhere on his legs. This may be a more a reflection of my parenting than of Noah himself, but my point is I just love that he is all boy. All. Boy.
8. I love how he prays "for Mommy to have a little baby." The only thing that has changed is that over the years he has learned to pronounce "little" correctly. Oh, the faith of a child to keep praying!
9. He wants to be right in the middle of whatever I'm doing.
10. I love hearing him sing as he's going to bed. Unfortunately, the singing is still coming after being chastened for resisting bedtime, but he usually does go to bed singing. And the other night, at 4 in the morning, I distinctly heard his little voice singing, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." Don't know if he was awake or asleep, but it doesn't matter.
I love my Noah!