A Memorial Day to Remember
I had the strangest dream that Josh's brother Dave got married yesterday. Oh, wait. HE DID!!!! That's right, Dave got married . Last week at this time we knew nothing about any wedding, and today we've just returned from Charleston, SC after having witnessed his marriage. We have always teased Dave about his secretiveness, and in fact he and Andrea had talked about eloping, but thankfully (a BIG "Thank you," Dave) he called us all last Wednesday night and invited us to his wedding. I'm so glad he did! So Dave is married now. Dad Rowley asked each one of the brothers and sisters (and sisters-in-law) to give a short charge to Dave and Andrea during the wedding, in lieu of a typical wedding sermon. I think this was a great idea, though I was way nervous to have to do such a thing. Have you ever tried to give marriage advice with your spouse standing right there listening to you? It's very sobering. Everything you say, you have the earthly person who knows you...