I Heart Geraniums

I needed to take a moment to express my strong affection for The Geranium. Not only are they really pretty, but it turns out they are very hardy and almost impossible to kill! And for me to say that is pretty amazing. I have unintentionally killed so many plants in my lifetime, that for one to live under my care is noteworthy. :)

I bought a geranium last June and put it out on our front porch to bring a little summer cheer to our front door. I thought I'd be replacing it in the Fall with a nice purple mum. This geranium lived through the Fall months though, and I didn't have the heart to uproot it to make room for something else. It bloomed until December, when the weather turned cold and it gave up making flowers.

I was just biding my time until spring, when I would uproot it and plant something else. I even forgot to water it. For months.

Then, the other day, some red caught my eye by our front door. My geranium is blooming! How it survived twenty-degree nights and no water since Christmas is beyond me.

P.S. I did water it yesterday. I figured I owed it that much.


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