Noah Samuel-Son

Noah Samuel-son is Josh's nickname for Noah. Nicknames are usually shorter than your actual name, I realize, but nonetheless. I thought I'd do a post about Noah, since he's been left out of my blogs a lot recently, although now that I'm thinking about it, not much has changed with him...

Noah is still bounding around as he usually does with endless energy. He's enjoyed having Grammie Rowley here for the last week. Another playmate is always a good thing, right?

He still could talk your ear off if you let him. And asks at least a million questions every day.

He still basks in the praise of people, and loves to have someone tell him he did a good job. Who doesn't? I'll have to watch him with this in the future, as I don't want his life to rise and fall with the accolades of others.

He continues to have a very sunny personality most of the time. I'm noticing that he's all of whatever emotion he's feeling at the time. Happy? His grin takes over his face. Ornery? You can see it a mile away. There's no half-way with this child!

Noah loves riding his bike, and can now get on and get started all by himself! The parents rejoice. :)

We are also still struggling with discipline. He loves to be right on the line, and finds loopholes wherever he can. Just like his daddy. Just like me. "There's nothing new under the sun." That's a quote from Ecclesiastes, which we are now beginning to study on Wednesday nights. I'm finding it to describe children exactly.

See? Not too much has changed. Still, it's nice to be reminded every once in a while how things are going.

We've begun a review cycle of all the memory verses Noah has learned, since I took the following video and discovered he's a little rusty with his verses that he hasn't said in a while. This is Noah reviewing Psalm 23. He definitely got "He restores my soul."! And, no, that's not me shaking the camera--that's my wiggle-worm son, not able to stand still to save his life! :)


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