Here's To Being "Firty"

Ask Noah how old his daddy is, and you'll hear "FIRTY!"

Today is Josh's 30th birthday, and we have decided to celebrate! It was tempting for him just to let this one roll on by, but no. I wasn't going to let him get away with that. Thirty don't know how to describe thirty, but we're going to do our best to make it a banner year and not focus on how old we are getting. :)

We are having a little party tonight, and hopefully I can remember to take some pictures and post them soon along with a sappy tribute to my husband! And you wouldn't want to miss that, now would you?

Happy Birthday, Josh!

Here's to being Firty.


cj and family said…
Very Cute. :o) Hannah's grandma was quite astounded when she asked Hannah how old she thought she was and Hannah promptly and accurately answered "51." I'm going to 30 in May. I'm hoping it can kind of go on by without much notice. We'll see. It does seem . . . well, rather much older than 29. Happy Birthday to Josh though! Enjoy being "firty"!

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