Summer Reading List

My dear former roommate Natalie has always been a reader. She reads circles around most people I know, and after looking over her Summer Reading list here she has inspired me to compile one of my own. Now whether or not I actually get to read the books on my list is probably not worth thinking about: I can tell you right now, I won't. But I can make a list (I love making lists!).

Here are the books I would read if by some miracle I had extra time left at the end of the day and could actually finish, say, one book a week instead of one book a quarter, which is about my current average. :)

  1. Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss (I am currently 3/4 through this, so I may get to read another one on my list!)
  2. A Mom After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
  3. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
  4. Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
  5. Julie by Catherine Marshall (I've read this one before, but it's been probably 10+ years)
That is likely a very ambitious list for the summer, but hey, a girl can dream, right? :)


Mere Christianity is phenomenal. Loved it. I got Julie for Christmas. Have I read it? Don't be ridiculous. (Balki quote. That is of course assuming you remember Perfect Strangers. I bought seasons 1 + 2. Love them. :)...)
Ruth said…
Mere Christianity is very good as is Screwtape Letters (probably my favorite CS Lewis book). I loved Julie, and it's been 20+ years since I read it. I wasn't reading at all the first several months I was a Mom, but now I would say I am averaging 3 books a week. I am pretty sure I read Trusting God. I read several of his books about 15 years ago - another good author! Hope you enjoy your reading this summer!

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