"I Love You, Lord"

Patch the Pirate is a favorite around our house. I play many of those cd's for Noah during his playpen time in the mornings, and he's even starting to request the songs when we sing with him at bedtime. His favorites are "Jonah" and "Obedience" (HA! That is beyond ironic that this is one of his favorites!).

Anyway, today I was upstairs compiling our Library List for today while Noah was in his playpen, when I heard him singing along with "I Love You, Lord" which was playing at the time. His little "I wuv wu, Wurd" was sooo sweet to hear. I love the sound of a child singing!


Ruth said…
Awww what a sweet sound that must have been!! Do you have Steve Green's Hide 'Em in your heart cds? I have those for Nadia as I think they're a great way to memorize Scripture.
Rachel said…
I would love to see a video of that!:)

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