Stair Climbing

Noah has become an excellent stair-climber in recent weeks. It seems nothing thrills him more than to climb those stairs, all the way to the top! He peeks around the corner to make sure I'm watching, then shrieks with glee as he shows off his skills. He's very efficient too, and can shimmy up the stairs in about 30 seconds! :) He had a pretty rough fall the first time he tried to come down on his own, so I've been trying to teach him at every opportunity how to come down backwards, which is much safer than face-first!! Today he actually did it--climbed up a few stairs, then back down--successfully. So these days when it gets "too quiet", he can usually be found upstairs or at least on his way there. This new-found freedom for him has caused me to start leaving the bathroom doors closed, since his 2nd favorite activity is splashing in the potty! Grosses. Me. Out.

It is so much fun to watch him learn all these new skills. I think the first year is the most amazing; going from the little helpless bundle they hand you at the hospital to a walking, talking little person that has a personality and a will of his own! It is something that brings me back to the fact that I need the Lord so much to give me wisdom to rear this little guy the right way. And being consistent is Hard Work! I find myself tempted to not follow through on my word ("Mommy will spank you if you do that again," "Don't touch that!," "Lay still," "Stop fussing," and the list goes on) because it takes work to keep up with him minute by minute, day by day. But! I must remember that God is consistent and desires that I be consistent. And if I'm consistent now, it will pay off in the future. Right?


So great to see you and your little one. I was just thinking about you the other day. It's amazing to see how big he has gotten and how "long" ago all my IVF stuff was ...

any day now ... :)

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