Fortune Teller

(It has taken me weeks to write this post! As a result, some of it is old news by now.)

On Fridays, Josh takes Noah with him to work. He's been doing this since Eden was born partly to give me a break, and partly because it is so good for Noah to learn things about Josh's business and how to deal with a variety of people and problems.  Noah gets one-on-one time with his dad, learns (hopefully) how to work hard, and I get some time with just Pep (aka Seth) and Eden.  There is zero fighting from the kids all day long when Noah is gone, which is a great reprieve for this mom-turned-referee.

Last Sunday we had some missionaries at church who are trying to raise support to go to Japan.  They brought with them several origami cranes, as well as other paper crafts, including something like what is pictured above.  From way back in the recesses of my mind, a memory surfaced.  When I was in fourth grade, when my friends and I weren't busy trading funky-shaped erasers, fluorescent stickers, and other such trinkets, we would make these "fortune tellers."  I *guess* these things are also popular in Japan, because there were a few of them being passed around at church.

I sat down with Seth one Friday to see if I could make one for old times' sake.  To my amazement, my mad fortune teller folding skills came right back to me!  I made this one, which has created much entertainment.  Noah was shocked when he came home and found out *I* had made it.  He never knew his mom was so cool.  *Ahem*


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