Big Changes
The last several years have continued pretty similarly and pretty routine, and then all of a sudden in the last year or two the pattern of our life has shifted--in mostly good ways--and we've opened the chapter on a very different...(dare I say?) new adventure. We bought a camper. We enrolled the kids in brick-and-mortar schools. I rediscovered the joy of making art (and have even sold a piece or two!). Covid happened. A new president has been elected. Josh began shifting his focus to stock options after 15 years of property management. I signed up for a ballet class. We changed churches. Mid-life crisis? No. New opportunities to trust the Lord? Absolutely. I feel like each of those listed items needs a whole post attached to it detailing the Lord's hand in it, the thinking behind it, and responses to it. All in good time. I think I've already written about our camper , our decision to put the kids into school , art, and even Covid. I'm not planning to elaborate on th...