Daily Schedule

We are excited and looking forward to some fellowship with Matt and Jen, Lord willing, this coming Friday night as we celebrate Libby's 9th birthday. Libby was born on November 1, so most years they have done a dress-up/costume party to celebrate the fact that she wasn't born on Halloween! :) Eden is super excited to wear her princess dress that I bought at a yard sale a few weeks ago. My boys never have really embraced costume wearing, but Eden seems to like dressing up. I know I mentioned posting our routine, and I think I'll do that now. Not because it's the surest way to get more readers (it's not), but because it's for posterity. Here's what we're usually up to now that we're not homeschooling: 6:30am I get up, have time with the Lord 7:15 I make breakfast, Noah makes lunches for himself and Josh 7:25 Breakfast for as many of the family as are up. I make it my ambition never to wake a sleeping preschooler, if I can help it. *wink* 7:45/8:00 Tak...