
Showing posts from December, 2018

Christmas Break

"Why don't you take them to the park?" Josh asked. It was an innocent question, born out of enduring a morning full of antsy boredom from our 3 kids. And for some reason, at his suggestion my whole countenance fell. Josh asked me what was the matter, but I couldn't put it into words just then. I silently loaded all three kids into the car, grabbed my journal, and drove to the park. What was wrong with me, anyway? It was the day after Christmas, it was gorgeous weather, and we didn't have school.  I sat down on a bench in the full sun and wrote the following entry in my journal: When Expectations Don't Match Reality As a homeschooler, you spend the bulk of your time planning lessons, soldiering through school days week after week, month after month. There's not much time for house cleaning or personal goals like exercise, art projects, writing, or organizing those areas of life that tend to creep ever downward.  There's not even time for ordin...

Finally Home

I was honored to know a lady named Sara Prigge who, on Tuesday of this week, went home to be with the Lord after a 2 year battle with colon cancer. She went home.  I have to keep saying that because much of the time I live like this world is my home. I forget that my citizenship is, in fact, in heaven. This  right now is what will be the blip on the radar screen of time. These troubles I have now are momentary, light. They are nothing to be compared with the glory that will follow, because what is seen is temporary, and what is unseen is eternal (that's me paraphrasing 2 Cor 4:17-18). I am so thankful to have known Sara and to be encouraged by her example. I wanted to share two of my most important memories of her life and how it touched mine. These are very small things when I see them written out, and I doubt she would have even remembered that either of these happened, but they impacted me. I first met Sara when I was a college student in love with a boy named Josh Ro...