
Three cute/funny things we've heard around here lately: Dropping off Eden at her class the other day, it was overcast. The preschool teacher in the adjoining room quizzed her class "What is the weather outside today?" Someone piped up "Cloudy!" The teacher asked, "And so where is the sun today?" Another child exclaimed, "The clouds are holding it!" Too cute! Seth was gluing something on his worksheet, and kept fiddling with his elbow. "What's wrong with your arm?" I asked. "I got glue on it by my elbow and it's sticking my fur down!" On the way home from church Wednesday night, Eden said she was "hunny." (hungry). After announcing that she wanted ice cream, Josh said, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream." Suddenly Eden screamed as loudly as she could. Josh reprimanded her, until I pointed out that she was just doing what his little rhyme said to do!