
Showing posts from October, 2017

Burdens to Cast

I've been feeling overwhelmed with life lately.  It's been hard to find my joy in the Lord, and I've just noticed a dark cloud kind of hanging over me.  It's hard to fully explain, but I believe there are several contributors: My back and neck still have not completely healed.  I have been to the chiropractor once a week for the last 3 weeks, and it has not made a noticeable difference.  Every morning I wake up very sore, and though it gets better throughout the day, it is uncomfortable and I notice it. I have had a UTI for going on three weeks now, and I don't think it has gone away.  I think it's the same one that keeps resurfacing.  It usually gets bad on Sundays and then better through the week.  My only explanation is that maybe I don't drink enough on the weekends, and then I tend to go a little sugar crazy (more chocolate cake, please!), and it exacerbates the problem.  Last night it was so painfully uncomfortable that I almost didn't g...

Weirdest Feeling Ever

So I went to the chiropractor on Wednesday, mostly in hopes of being adjusted back to normalcy, and partly because I didn't want this pain in my neck/back to become chronic.  I had never been to a chiropractor before, so I didn't know what to expect.  I thought I'd have to get undressed, and was pleasantly surprised to learn that I didn't, but nothing--and I do mean nothing--could have prepared me for the weirdness that is being adjusted.  Come along with me for this experience: You lie face down on a cushy table and put your face into a slot.  Then, the chiropractor pushes around your back and proceeds to tell you where your back hurts.  Surprisingly, he is eerily accurate, down to the square inch.  How he can tell all of that is beyond you, and you're busy pondering that thought when he suddenly pushes hard in the center of your back and you simultaneously hear and feel your back loudly pop multiple times, all in the matter of about a second.  It ...