God's Perspective
As of this morning we were in the middle of an IVF cycle, and then, like a really good dream, it was cancelled this afternoon just when it was getting to the good part. I was already prepared for everything we needed to do next; miraculously I was even mentally ready to give myself the monster shots they call progesterone, and then to eagerly await Monday's transfer and the long-awaited PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise) status. I knew when I saw the nurse's number pop up on my phone that this would not be a good call. I was right. "Your progesterone levels are already too high," she said. Her voice was lacking its familiar cheerful sound. "I"m very sorry. We're going to have to cancel this cycle." She began telling me what to do next, which surprisingly still included giving myself those dreadful shots. I was in a fog. Surely she didn't just tell me to start the shots tomorrow! But she did. All so we can clean the slate and start a...