
Showing posts from September, 2014

Transfer on Tuesday

Yesterday I added progesterone shots to my daily medication routine (though I don't think I will ever get used to giving myself a shot, so "routine" seems like a misnomer!).  Lord-willing on Tuesday, Sept 23, we will have our Frozen Embryo Transfer, transferring our two embryos which were frozen when we did IVF the last time.  We are praying that the Lord would use this to grow our family if that would be His will.  I'll keep you posted how things go! I just went back and re-read all my posts from the other IVF attempts we've had.  There are definitely a lot more of those posts, including a lot more details about the process and my feelings, and I hope that doesn't make you think I don't care as much about this cycle as I have the others; I just have a lot less time to blog these days than I did then. I will say that the Lord has already shown Himself faithful on my behalf this cycle, and I'm trusting Him to continue.  Coveting your prayers as you ...

Another Go 'round with IVF

It's that time again!  Time to muster up the courage, more emotional energy than I can shake a stick at, and lots and lots of prayer as we pursue IVF once again to try to expand our family.  Prayer is really why I've decided to post about this at all; I need me some prayer warriors!  If you think of it, please do pray for us as we begin IVF for the fourth time.  This time, since we are doing a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET for short), it will still involve plenty of medication and an extreme emotional rollercoaster ride, just not quite as many shots or doctor appointments (for which I am thankful!). We are ready to do this.  Noah is seven, Seth is almost two, and I'm not getting any younger either!  We would love to have one more baby, and we have committed to doing this "last" round of IVF, so here we go! Here's our tentative timeline: Now thru mid-Sept  Take first type of medication, gradually increasing the dosage. Mid-Sept  Have blood work...

First Field Trip

On the last day of 1st grade, Noah came home with all sorts of freebies, one of which was a free family pass to the Cummer Museum of Art here in Jacksonville.  It expired August 31, so I wanted to be sure we took advantage of that.  Well, the summer just blew by and we were suddenly in the last week of August, and so we made some time to go.  No problem, we'll just do our school work early and go around 11am (I love homeschooling!).  Unexpectedly, Josh was also able to join us too!  P.S. Notice we were outside; Seth did not appreciate all the art inside.  He was much better outside.  While we were in the high-ceilinged galleries, he kept shrieking just for the pleasure of hearing his own voice echo.  The guard was not amused. :)