
Showing posts from February, 2014


There are these witty little one-liners that get passed around Facebook.  No one really knows who comes up with them, and I'm sure they get modified depending on who is passing them on, but entertaining they are.  I have my favorites; for example, I love this one: "Cleaning the house with children around is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos."  or on the subject of marriage, "Just a tip: No woman ever started an argument with a man while he was dusting, vacuuming, or washing dishes." But the one that has resurfaced in my mind repeatedly because of its profound truth and perfect summation is this one:  "Having a toddler is like having a blender with no lid."  How true that is. And life has become even more...shall we say, "lid-less" since Seth learned that stools and chairs can be used to reach anything , and bonus: that stools and chairs can be moved to any location , allowing the possibilities of destruction to multiply exponen...

Nothing Says Love Like Flowers and...Robitussin?

I awoke this morning in the middle of the night to these Valentine's Day gifts from Josh.  While normally I'd be all mushy and swoony over the flowers and chocolates, I have to say the Robitussin outranked them all this year.  Noah and Seth were sick last week, and now I have "it" too, only "it" seems to really, reeallllyyyy like me because I'm still sick.  Among other things, I've been coughing for several days, and that Robitussin was enough to make me all weak in the knees for my sweetheart this morning.  Yes, the flowery, gooey, sentimental, up-in-the-clouds, twitterpated kind of love is great for the early years, but what you really need over the long haul is someone willing to go out and buy you Robitussin at 11:00 at night.  I'm just saying.  So here's to love; all kinds, on this Valentine's Day. I love you, Honeybear!!!  Happy Valentine's Day!